Best Fishing Lures

Fishermen or anglers have a lot of equipment that they need to bring when they are trying to catch fish. Whether it be fishing rods, hooks, life vests, or live bait, they have to be prepared for any eventuality in order to ensure good catches.

While saying that there are so many fish in the sea is generally used for romance, it also helps explain why there is so much fishing gear and why anglers need to prepare before heading out to sea.

There are so many configurations and gear choices because the various fish that people intend to catch require specialized care and attention. One fish may require a bigger hook. Another would need distinct bait.

One piece of equipment that is no less important than anything else are the fishing lures.

Just like with all the different fish in the sea, there are also many fishing lures in the market. Each of them have their own specific uses.

Let’s check out why fishing lures are important, their pros and cons, and the best fishing lures out in the market today.

Fishing Lures: General Pros and Cons

Bait and lure are both items that are used to attract and catch fish. Fishing bait makes use of natural substances or food items to attract the fish. Fishing lures on the other hand are artificial items that help attract fish.

An interesting analogy is that fish bait is akin to trapping fish, while fishing lures are the traps set for the fish.

There are many types of lures out there. They come in various colors, are made of different materials, and are made in different sizes.

The most important thing to note when talking about either bait or lures is that there is no silver bullet solution. As previously mentioned, different fish species are caught in different ways. That is why there are so many different lures to consider and choose from.

With that said, even lures have their own general pros and cons attached to them. These will help paint a better picture that will help people decide whether or not lures should be used.

Best Fishing Lures

Pros of Using Fishing Lures

  • As opposed to fishing bait, fishing lures can be cast much farther. This is extremely useful as fishermen may require further casting distances in order to not disturb the area and give away the position to the fish being hunted.
  • By nature, live bait is messy to store and bring around. Out on the water, it can cause a further mess. Lures are simple, neat, and don’t create that much mess.
  • If fishermen are trying to catch fish simply for sport, then lures are the way to go. It is better suited to catch and release, as fish are not likely to swallow the whole hook.
  • The various dynamic lures available in the market make it possible to mix and match easier. If fishermen are out to catch a certain fish, then lures make it easy to target those specific species more.

Cons of Using Fishing Lures

  • In terms of cost, fishing lures tend to cost more than live bait. This makes sense since lures are usually made up of different materials. The cost and effort of manufacturing also need to be taken into account.
  • The bulkiness, shapes, and sizes of lures also bring a downside to them. Not controlled correctly, lures can get stuck in many underwater obstructions.
  • Since lures are inanimate objects, this means that in a sense, more effort is required to catch the fish. This is because the lures need to periodically be moving in order to attract the fish.
  • While lures are effective, they are not as simple to use as bait. Some lures require skills to be used correctly and effectively.
  • Finally, in colder waters, it may not be recommended to use fishing lures. This is because lures aren’t as effective in colder waters.

With that out of the way, let’s check out several of the best lures available in the market right now for fishermen or anglers to consider.

Best Fishing Lures











Sea Striker



Great hard plastic lure that is well-balanced and is extremely versatile. 

One of the best soft plastic lures for the majority of fish in freshwater. A great versatile lure that needs to be in any angler’s gear.

Extremely lifelike and effective for many types of fish in fresh and saltwater. Fishermen get a lot of mileage from this lure.

The Sea Striker lure is one that many fishermen are very familiar with. It is a lure that has stood the test of time and is still effective.

The RonZ is a lure that is best for big game. It can withstand being banged around under water, with its weight doing a lot of the work so fishermen don’t have to. 


Extremely lifelike and durable

Great weight on this lure and very effective on fishes like largemouth bass

Effective for a wide range of fish.

Very affordable and still effective over the years.

Very durable and cost less than most trolling lures. 


Price is higher than other fishing lures

When compared to worms, the price of the Yamamoto is a bit higher. 

The many different types of the Rapala have their own drawbacks.

May break apart if not taken care off properly.

Tails require periodic care and replacement. 

Yo-Zuri – Best Surface Lure

As the name suggests, surface lures are made to imitate the type of creatures that like to hang around at the surface of the water. These typically attract large fish like bass.

Many fishermen and anglers are drawn to surface fishing. This is mainly because it is a style of fishing that is totally engaging, as the process unfolds right before the angler’s eyes. And one of the best surface lures out there belongs to Yo-Zuri.

For half a century, Yo-Zuri has been a staple in fishermen’s gear. Throughout all those years, the Yo-Zuri lures has continued to evolve and improve. That is why it has found itself on the top of the list for surface lures.

Best Fishing Lures - Yo-Zuri

Surface lures are usually made of hard plastic. Many Yo-Zuri lures are made with high quality thermoplastic and resin coating that makes it very durable.

It is also highly visible, which makes it effective in attracting fish. This is due to the hologram sheet in the middle of the lure, whose reflection is much like the scales of the baitfish that it is meant to mimic. Even when the coating has been damaged, this reflective part stays intact and effective.

Apart from that, considerable detail is placed when creating Yo-Zuri lures. One noteworthy detail is the various patterns that are based on different fish.

The balance of the lure is quite heavy. This allows for fishermen to cast Yo-Zuri lures quite far. The added distance greatly helps with catching fish, as the fish in a certain area are not disturbed by a boat of the sound of people.


  • Extremely lifelike
  • Amazing detail was placed in the manufacturing of these lures
  • Great balance


  • Price is quite high and is more expensive than other surface lures.

Yamamoto – Best Soft Plastics for Freshwater

Freshwater fishing is a good style that even beginners can get into and enjoy. This is largely because people can stay on the shore and just enjoy fishing.

When it comes to freshwater fishing, soft plastics get the job done. Easy on the pocket, an easy fit in fishermen’s gear, and effective, soft plastic lures are an absolute necessity in freshwater. Add to that the fact that they work on a wide variety of fish and there isn’t any reason that should deter an angler from having one on hand.

The soft plastic lures for freshwater that Yamamoto produces are the soft lure improved upon. These improvements drive the price higher than usual, but it is well worth every penny.

Best Fishing Lures - Yamamoto

The Yamamoto Senko is a soft plastic lure that is shaped like a cylindrical slug. It has a bit of wobble to it, as well as some weight for that far flung casting. When they hit the water, the sinking motion that it does attracts many fish.

Most of the Yamamoto soft plastic line carries this same effectivity. However, one of the biggest benefits of these lures is how they carry the load for catching a fish.

Anglers that use these lures find that the lures do most of the work. If an angler leaves these lures in the water and doesn’t actively try to make the lure bounce in the water, the more it becomes effective in getting the bites from the fish.


  • Great weighted lure for distance casting
  • Effective on a variety of fish
  • Does a lot of the work for the fishermen


  • Pricier than most soft water lures

Rapala – Best Hard Plastics for Fresh and Saltwater

If we are talking about effective lures that have stood the test of time, look no further than Rapala. The lures of Rapala have been used for more than 80 years – a testament to how effective and popular they are.

A lure like this doesn’t get all those years of mileage without some significant history behind it. More than 80 years ago, a boy named Lauri Rapala was living a troubled and struggling life. He found that instead of working in a factory, he could just fish and make as much as two weeks’ worth of pay in the factory.

So, he got into fishing. He devoted his life to it and eventually came up with the gold standard hard plastic lure for fresh and saltwater. It is the balsa wood minnow. There isn’t any other lure like it, and it is the prime reason why it is still so popularly used today.

Best Fishing Lures - Rapala

These days, Rapala has expanded their repertoire for just about any type of fish. The balsa wood minnow is still a really great lure for freshwater. THese can be bought in a variety of different sizes that can attract many different fish.

If fishermen are hard pressed to find reviews for Rapala lures, it is mainly because its reputation is already widely known and its effectiveness acknowledged.


  • A staggering selection for all types of fish and environments
  • Extreme care is put into the creation and testing of each lure


  • The fact that the selection of Rapala lures is so expansive means that it would require knowledge on their different uses.
  • Each lure has its own pros and cons. This means that preparation needs to be done, with certain fish being targeted and the corresponding lure selected and secured.

Sea Striker – Best Bucktail Jigs

The bucktail jig is an extremely versatile and effective lure. Consider this anecdote that illustrates just how effective it is.

In the second World War, sailors and pilots from the United States had a bucktail jig as part of their equipment. If ever they found themselves in an emergency situation and needed food, they could absolutely rely on the bucktail jig to catch the fish.

Sea Striker – Best Bucktail Jigs

Just like Rapala, Sea Striker has been around for many years. For all intents and purposes, Sea Striker’s bucktail jig lures have little to no bells and whistles on it. This is attributed to how bucktail jigs are intended to work.

The effectiveness of bucktail jigs is all in the bounce of the head and the dye of the tail; something that Sea Striker’s lures offer in spades.

Apart from that, these lures are quite affordable and work in multiple terrains, and on multiple fish. Whether it is used to fish fast or slow, whether it is drifted or bounced, it is sure to attract a good number of fish species.


  • Very affordable
  • No frills, but effective in multiple environments and on various fish species


  • If not rinsed after use, these lures may break apart.

RonZ – Best for Big Game

When going for large fish, fishermen can find great success with RonZ lures.

The first notable thing about RonZ lures is that they are hefty and heavy. This is great for long distance casting that can land in a school of fish that zip any which way.

Also, when it comes to going after big game, you are looking at weighty fish that can generate a lot of power underwater. You’ll need lures that are durable and can withstand the abuse that these fish can wreak. Fortunately, RonZ lures have that durability that is needed.

RonZ – Best for Big Game

The biggest offering of RonZ lures though is the motion it maintains while it sinks. As the sink hits the water and goes under, it maintains motions that mimic other fish. This is good, as it will no doubt attract fish.

Furthermore, the lifelike sinking motions mean that fishermen can get catches without the need to exert any effort to keep the lures moving.

The cherry on top? These lures are inexpensive and don’t require as much materials or attention to produce.


  • Durable and can withstand the havoc of big game
  • Affordable
  • Lifelike sinking motion that makes the lure work for the fishermen


  • Tails need to be replaced periodically.

Equip Yourself with the Best Fishing Lures

Lures are just another part of fishermen’s gear that they need to stock up on and study. There are many lures and lure manufacturers out there, each with their own pros and cons. The choice of lure is wholly dependent on the type of fish being targeted and the environment.

Each fisherman and angler should equip themselves with the best fishing lures to be prepared for any and all fish that are in their sights.

In order to round out fishing equipment, also consider checking out the best fish finders, the best telescopic fishing rods, and the best fishing hooks as well.

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James Williams

I love to write for readers with a genuine interest in enjoying the fishing. Hence, I started this blog to provide you guides so that you can have a better and more pleasant fishing experience.